Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gay Issues

The voters of California approved a measure that the definition of marriage included that it was between a man and a woman. The state supreme court will soon determine whether the new law is constitutional. I don't think the state legislature should take any action to change the vote of the people.
Those who worry about the definition of marriage should realize that it has changed. In my generation you got married before you lived with a member of the opposite sex and certainly before you had children. While we await the supreme court decision we should concentrate our efforts on reducing the number of women having children they can't afford and fathers who abandon their financial and moral obligations to those children. (See discussion of Welfare)
While awaiting the supreme court decision on marriage, we should continue to make sure that gay couples have all the same rights as non gay couples such as rights of inheritance, medical decisions, adoption, protection from discrimination, tax treatment etc.
I personally believe that having children you can't support outside of marriage is a far bigger problem to the taxpayers and the children and we should concentrate our efforts in reducing that problem and let the courts decide the definition of marriage.


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