Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Government Finances

Elected officials need to learn to live within the income provided by the taxpayers. The Budget Stabilization Act proposed by the governor should be passed immediately.
Social security and Medicare are way underfunded and none of the candidates seem to worry about that.
Elected officials spend so much campaigning that they need to take lots of money from lobbyists and then feel obligated to seldom turn down a request for funding of the lobbyists favorite project.
Underfunded government employee pensions are a serious problem.
Considering all the above we need a law that would prevent elected officials from increasing expenses at the state level by more than the annual increase in population and inflation. That would result in saving money during good times to finance things during bad times and prevent the every few year "cutting" of the budget.
In a perfect world I could run a no expense campaign using the internet and e-mails so lobbyist opinions could be ignored if appropriate.